Evaluating household water treatment options: health-based targets and microbiological performance specifications, 2011.
Properly formulated and locally relevant performance specifications are needed to protect users and inform decision-making regarding selection of technologies or approaches. This document provides a basis by which to evaluate the microbiological performance of HWT options by:
- establishing a series of health-based microbiological performance targets, ranging from an interim target to highly protective, to encourage incremental improvements in water safety (sections 2 and 3 and Appendix 1); and
- providing guidance to inform the development of new HWT testing protocols or supplement existing protocols (Appendix 2).
It also describes additional factors, including:
- those pertaining to national-level technology evaluation or verification programmes (Appendix 3); and
- justification for use of quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) and performance targets for three classes of pathogens (Appendix 4)