The roles of water, sanitation and hygiene in reducing schistosomiasis: a review. Parasites & Vectors (2015) 8:156.
Jack ET Grimes, et al.
We recently completed a systematic review andmeta-analysis pertaining to WASH and schistosomiasis and found that people with safe water and adequate sanitationhave significantly lower odds of a Schistosoma infection. Importantly though, the transmission of schistosomiasis isdeeply entrenched in social-ecological systems, and hence is governed by setting-specific cultural and environmentalfactors that determine human behaviour and snail populations. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of theliterature, which explores the transmission routes of schistosomes, particularly focussing on how these might bedisrupted with WASH-related technologies and human behaviour. Additionally, future research directions in thisarea are highlighted.