USAID/Ethiopia Urban Health Extension Program End-of-Program Report, 2013.
USAID’s Urban Health Extension Program (USAID/UHEP), implemented by John Snow, Inc. (JSI), was a three-year project (2009-2013) launched to support the Government of Ethiopia’s Urban Health Extension Program (UHEP). The goal of USAID/UHEP was to support, at scale, the implementation and monitoring of the UHEP as a means of improving access to and demand for health services.
Specifically, the program aimed to strengthen the capacity of UHE professionals to identify and reach most-at-risk populations (MARPs)/vulnerable individuals or groups in their catchment areas and provide these individuals with public health services. This report summarizes USAID/UHEP’s experience supporting and implementing a new government program, illustrating the meaningful partnerships which JSI maintained throughout the Program. JSI, 2013.
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ofcourse the urban health extension program is too long after started. but the achivements are not figerout clearly specially on the area of environmental sanitation.