The Primary Health Care Approach to Dengue Prevention and Control, 2011. WHO/SEARO.
The ultimate goal of controlling any epidemic disease including dengue is to prevent its transmission and contain the spread of the disease as soon as possible. The success of the efforts for prevention and control of dengue relies on the effectiveness of the initiatives to control the breeding sites of the vector by improving public and household environmental sanitation and water supply, and through sustained modification of human behaviour.
This requires the entire gamut of public health activities, namely, health promotion, which is the process of enabling people across all socioeconomic groups to increase control over, and to improve, their health; and disease prevention and treatment with appropriate technology along with rehabilitation. However, efforts to prevent and control dengue in the past have been constrained due to inadequate community participation as well as lack of the necessary degree of intersectoral cooperation and service coverage, which are the core elements of PHC.