Environment and Urbanization, 2011
Editorial: Why is urban health so poor even in many successful cities?
Full-text: http://www.environmentandurbanization.org/documents/EAU231Editorialpp.5-12.pdf
David Satterthwaite, IIED.
Urban health issues still do not get the attention they deserve in discussions of development or environment. Successful “development” is so intimately related to health – to measures that directly or indirectly help individuals, households or communities avoid or prevent disease, injury and inadequate food intake. Beyond an absence of disease or injury, “development” means the achievement of living and working conditions that underpin well-being. Environmental management is also intimately related to health, again in these two senses, either preventing or minimizing airborne, food-borne or water-related diseases and the effects of chemical pollutants and physical hazards, and ensuring good living and working environments that can contribute to well-being.