
Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for People Living with HIV and AIDS: A Cross-Sectional Study in Nepal

  • Source:
  • WaterAid in Nepal. 2010.

  • Summary:
  • The main objective of the study was to increase the understanding of PLHAs’ access to WASH and its impact on their daily lives in order to inform the health, HIV/AIDS and WASH sectors of the various issues involved. Specifically, the study aimed to: - Assess the prevailing knowledge, opinions and practices of WASH amongst PLHA. - Learn about the experiences of PLHA with regards to their access to WASH and factors associated with it. - Gather views of PLHA on WASH and its link to their social lives and health. - Highlight the need for cross-sector debate and efforts to address the WASH issues for PLHA within the health, HIV/AIDS and WASH sectors.

  • Keywords:
  • Accessing Water Evidence Base Handwashing (Hand Washing) People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) Sanitation/Feces Disposal Stigma