The Impact Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Infrastructures Have on People Living with HIV and AIDS

  • Source:
  • Potgieter N, Mpofu T, Barnard T. 2012. University of Venda. Water and Health Research Unit. University of Johannesburg

  • Summary:
  • Presently very little data is available on how water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructures are affecting the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) in Zimbabwe. Literature has identified a series of linkages between water, sanitation and hygiene and HIV and AIDS. According to UNICEF, a hygienic environment, clean water and adequate sanitation are key factors in preventing opportunistic infections associated with HIV and AIDS, and in the quality of life of people living with the disease. PLWHA are more susceptible to water-related diseases than healthy individuals, and they become sicker from these infections than people with healthy immune systems. There is a need for hygiene education at the household level on the importance of household water storage to prevent contamination and appropriate household water treatment systems, such as filters or disinfectants, to ensure that the water is safe for human consumption. The presence of total coliforms in hand swabs is indicative of inadequate hand washing, especially non-use of soap and disinfectants. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructures and their associated health risks facing PLWHA through detection of pathogenic E. coli in domestic drinking water and on sanitation facilities in and around Bulawayo in Zimbabwe.

  • Keywords:
  • Evidence Base Handwashing (Hand Washing) Household Water Treatment & Storage People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) Sanitation/Feces Disposal
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