HIV and H(2)O: Tracing the Connections Between Gender, Water and HIV
- West BS, Hirsch JS, El-Sadr W. 2012. AIDS Behav. 2012 Jun 4. Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University.
- The health consequences for HIV-affected families of insufficient access to safe water and sanitation are particularly dire: inadequate access complicates medication adherence and increases vulnerability to opportunistic infections for persons living with HIV. The gendered nature of water collection and HIV care-with women disproportionately bearing the burden in both areas-presents an unrealized opportunity to improve HIV outcomes through investments in water/sanitation. Our findings suggest that the positive synergies of investing in water/sanitation in high HIV prevalence communities that are also expanding access to ART would be significant, with health multiplying effects that impact women and entire communities.
Accessing Water Evidence Base Gender Issues Journal Articles Sanitation/Feces Disposal